“A labor of love always pays off.”
–Scott Belsky

Why this boat, why now?
The boat's previous owner, Dana Hayden, was a general contractor who believed deeply in creating meaningful spaces for the families he built homes for. M/V Tautira, where Hayden lived for 25 years, was the place he turned to for peace and solace. Unfortunately, cancer isn't something that comes new to the Hayden family (evidently, neither are wooden boats). Having watched his father -- a world renowned mariner -- suffer through prostatic carcinoma, the vessel became a undeniable beacon of comfort throughout his final days.

Nearly 92 years old, M/V Tautira is now at its tipping point. Hayden left her in a family trust, to which his girlfriend has presumed ownership of the vessel in hopes for a restoration. It was Hayden's wish to see the boat enjoyed by other families rattled by cancer, who share the same sentiments of health and healing in a world with unfair curveballs.

Estimated costs?
To date, current owner has invested ~$150K into the boat to address arrested decay. For a complete restoration (to operate as a nonprofit), M/V Tautira will need approximately $1.5M for a full rebuild, more accurate assessment once boat is hauled and examined stem-to-stern by accredited marine surveyor (SAMS); she will likely be disesembled down to her framing to ensure safe & sound material throughout.
Current stage: Recently completed haul out to address major structural updates (see details of the work completed as highlighted in Wooden Boat Magazine). It is estimated to take a cumulative 2 years minimum in boatyard through multiple prioritization stages once full restoration is financed; $100,000 needed upfront to begin (covers initial project costs).
Vessel will need to meet US Coast Guard requirements for a Certificate of Inspection (COI) upon completion (which is predicted to equate to an additional 10-20% of overall cost of the rebuild).

What is currently needed?
​Restoring a boat is a collaborative effort, and launching a nonprofit is no easy feat. Please get in touch with us if any of the following is of interest to you.
Financial donations to Tautira's restoration, program development and/or how you may contribute directly to brain cancer research
Partnering with us as a medical institution, therapeutic entity or maritime stakeholder
Offering labor or material as in-kind donations
Joining our mission by opening up your classic wooden vessel to be part of our sea trial outings

Malcolm Morgan
Marine Electrical & Systems Technician
Malcolm Morgan Marine
Anton Hottner
Senior Shipwright

Private Donations / Angel Investor
Primary financial contributor(s) to boat restoration & launch of nonprofit

Secondary Donors
Additional patrons of various kinds, including brand & private foundation sponsorships

Fundraising Manager
Expertise in cancer related fundraising campaigns with target goal of $1M or more

Lauren de Remer
USCG Merchant Mariner (#8480725); Deckhand,
Brigantine Matthew Turner; Integrated Project Manager, Real Chemistry

Phone: 415.860.1075
Email: backstaymedia@gmail.com
Pelican Harbour
Sausalito, CA 94965
Trial programs available at dock only
Private charters coming soon!